Preparation for an Unknown Season

Rex and Patricia WaidWe grew up in the midwest, so the four season are very distinct. Summer is sunshine and vacation, Fall is colors and change, Winter is cold and bleak, then Spring is fresh and new. These past few months have been our own seasons of life.

In February, Mike began transitioning out of his role in developing a data sharing and mapping system for church planting ministries. Role change is part of his gifting where he helps launch new projects and then moves on to the next big project. Still it is hard to move away from something you help nurture and establish. This was the start of our Autumn in ministry with big changes. Amy also has experience a lot of flux in her role and responsibilities.

God’s leading to make some changes was confirmed within a month when both Mike’s parents suffered strokes (we mentioned this in a prayer request email a few weeks ago). Mike’s Mom is in rehab to regain some of her mobility and her ability to care for herself. It may be that she will require assistance in most of her activities. Mike’s Dad suffered permanent sight loss, such that he can only see basic outlines of figures in good light.  Thus he can no longer drive, read, use a computer or cook. We temporary moved to MO to assist in their care. This currently feels like Winter.

We are aware of God’s presence and provision almost each day as we walk through these seasons of life. We treasure our time in MO with Mike’s parents and brothers, even though it is tiring and uncertain. At the same time we are maintaining our roles via the Internet with the ministry. It is unclear at this point what our long-term plans will be regarding care for Mike’s parents.

You can follow updates on Mike’s parents at