Widow’s Mite

We have been serving in ministry for our entire career. Both of us joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Chris International immediately after graduating from university. Our leadership and skills have grown over the past 35+ years. We also brought with us principles we learned from our parents, specifically in finances.

God gives us a lot of instruction on managing possessions and money. The overarching principle is that is not a matter of how much you have but being good stewards of what God has entrusted to you. We use a computer program to help us track our expenses and set a budget. While it takes work and modification based on changing circumstances, it has been incredibly liberating to how we use what God has given us.

I was recently asked to write an article for the company that makes the program we use. I shared the biblical principles that guide us in a way any reader can understand. Perhaps this article will be helpful to you or someone you know.

Also, a couple that have been part of our support team for many years run one of the top wealth management companies in the country. They serve thousands of clients and implement many advanced strategies of financial, tax and asset protection plans. They combine years of experience and knowledge with sound biblical principles of being faithful. Let me know if you would like their contact information.